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Destress your day the easy way

Sally Brown
Article written by Sally Brown

Date published 17 March 2022

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Psychotherapist Sally Brown takes a look at one of the biggest influencers of mental health: stress.

According to a survey, over a third of adults in Ireland (36 per cent) say they regularly suffer from stress. In those aged 18 to 35 years of age, the number was even higher, with 53 per cent saying they were regularly stressed.1

The science behind the stress

Clearly, these are not good statistics, but despite its bad reputation, stress is a natural response, designed to keep us safe.

When the brain thinks we're under threat, it releases a 'fight or flight' hormone – cortisol – as well as adrenaline. This is what causes our heart rate to speed up. It also causes energy to be diverted to our muscles, to help us fight or run away from predators.

In that regard, occasional, short bursts of pressure are harmless and actually useful; the stress response helps you take action in an emergency or focus when you've got something important to do.

However, being permanently stuck in 'red alert mode' is a different story. Scientists have even found links between severe stress and increased risk of heart disease and diabetes, as well as flare-ups of IBS or eczema.

Stress has a cumulative effect, like water dripping into a glass, so it's important to learn strategies that help you 'empty the glass' every day, and stop it overflowing.

Six simple ways to keep stress in check...

1. Breathe better

It's physically impossible to feel both relaxed and stressed at the same time – like sneezing with your eyes open! Breathing exercises are a simple but effective way of forcing your body to relax. Set a timer for five minutes and try this twice a day:

  • Put your left hand on your chest and your right hand on your stomach.
  • Inhale for a count of two, exhale for a count of four, then pause for a count of four. Repeat.
  • Try to focus your mind on the feeling of your breath going in and out of your body.

2. Be time-affluent

Have you noticed how the standard answer to 'how are things?' is no longer 'fine' but 'busy'? We've come to equate a busy life with a successful one.

While short periods of busyness can be energising, in the long-term, feeling overwhelmed creates a particular type of stress known called 'time anxiety'. This is a feeling that life is running out, and that time is passing by too quickly.

By contrast, feeling 'time affluent', brings a feeling of calm because it feels like you have enough time for activities that are personally meaningful. The key is dedicating at least 15 minutes a day to something we choose to do, rather than something that needs to be done, whether that's reading a good book, or simply pottering in the garden.

3. Try ecotherapy

When you're under stress, exercise can feel like the last thing you want to do – but it makes a difference. If at all possible, head outdoors.

In a 2019 study of adults in Ireland, those performing no physical activity were three times more likely to report negative mental health compared to those who reported meeting the recommended exercise requirements.2

In fact, the latest research suggests that just 30 minutes of moderate exercise, like brisk walking or cycling, helps you to resist feelings of stress for several hours afterwards.

For best results, get active outdoors in a green space, like a park, or near the sea or river. In a study by Trinity College Dublin, visits to green spaces were shown to be associated with positive health outcomes, physical and mental. Benefits were even seen in those who visited green spaces just once a month.3

4. Laugh every day

Laughter triggers the release of the happy chemical dopamine, which acts as an antidote to stress hormones. Just the anticipation of laughter is enough to reduce levels of stress hormones in the body, according to a study.

5. Worry well

Overthinking can create constant, underlying feelings of stress or anxiety, says clinical psychologist Dr Jessamy Hibberd, author of 'This Book Will Make You Calm' (Quercus).

She suggests scheduling daily 'worry time', 15 minutes or so which have been specifically set aside to think about your worries. 'If worries come up during the day, tell yourself you'll think about that at 'worry time'. Make a note of them if it helps, then try to distract yourself by going for a short walk, doing some exercise or phoning a friend,' she says.

When 'worry time' comes, take a pen and paper and try to separate your worries into two lists - one of things you can do something about (list A), and one of things you can't (list B). Try to think of practical strategies for dealing with list A, and tell yourself to let go of list B.

6. Do a good deed

Helping other people, whether they're strangers or friends and family, can reduce the damaging effects of stress on mental health, according to research from Yale University. 'Any act of kindness, whether small or large, can make you feel happier and more satisfied with life' say Mental Health Ireland, who recommend it as one of their 'Five Ways to Wellbeing'.4

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Sally Brown

About Sally Brown

Sally is a trained psychotherapist and health and lifestyle writer, working for national newspapers and magazines.