Poor-quality sleep can be bad for your physical and psychological health, and can even affect your appearance. If you're struggling to get a good night's sleep, the expert advice and high-quality supplements on this page can help.

"Short-duration or interrupted sleep impacts our psychological and physical wellbeing. We're more likely to become irritable, depressed, anxious, stressed and even paranoid. We're more liable to abuse alcohol or other recreational substances, and suffer from accidents and injuries whether driving, at work, or at home. Poor sleep impinges on our visible appearance and is associated with increased blood pressure, heart disease, obesity and diabetes."
Dr Hilary Jones, GP and Medical Advisor to Healthspan
Sleep advice and supplements
Night-time wake-ups (nocturia)
Nocturia is a medical condition that involves waking up frequently in the night with a need to go to the toilet. This disrupts sleep and affects quality of life. The pumpkin seed and soy extract in Bladder Support supplements can help, as can changes to your night-time routine, exercises, and help from your doctor.
Nocturia support
Nocturia advice

Restless legs and cramps
This sensation of unpleasant, crawling or creeping in the feet, calves and thighs can be associated with involuntary jerking of the limbs and is very disruptive to sleep. Restless leg syndrome is thought to be caused by the way the body handles a chemical called dopamine, which controls muscle movement. Self-help remedies include a regular bedtime routine, avoiding alcohol and caffeine, quitting smoking, and exercising during the day. Magnesium supplements can be helpful, too.
Leg cramps support
Leg cramps advice

Relaxation and calm
It can be hard to get to sleep if you have a lot on your mind, and without a good sleeping routine our psychological and physical function can deteriorate significantly – a vicious circle. Saffron, valerian and sleep hygiene tips from author of The Art of Sleeping Rob Hobson can help.
Relaxation support
Shop Healthspan's whole sleep supplements range.